Isaiah 35:1-2  … And the desert shall rejoice and blossom as the rose; it shall blossom abundantly and rejoice even with joy and singing.

The landscape of the dry barren Southern California desert filled our eyes for mlles, when all of a sudden a deep orange color painted the hillsides.  The California poppy “super bloom” had transformed the harsh desert into a wildflower paradise.  After years of drought, the steady rains from this past winter soaked the dry dormant seeds and taproots lying beneath the desert floor, causing them to germinate and burst forth into all their glory.

As we walked on trails for hours amidst millions of poppies softly waving in the wind, joy bubbled up in my heart as I experienced the handiwork of our Master Gardener. Isaiah, the prophet and poet, beautifully portrayed what I had witnessed firsthand.   “And the desert shall rejoice and blossom as the rose; it shall blossom abundantly and rejoice even with joy and singing.” Isaiah 35:1-2 Isaiah’s words create a wonderful picture of what happens both physically and spiritually when Jesus Christ’s abundant grace breaks forth.

So, how does this relate to your life right where you are at?  If you are experiencing desert like conditions in your life – perpetual lack of finances; months and years of mental, emotional, or physical illnesses; joblessness; homelessness; broken relationships, great loss, or addictions that are consuming your life – see the Truth brought forth in Isaiah 35:1-2 and highlighted by California’s poppy super bloom as the superior reality for your own life. Picture what this desert area of your life looks like as the “reign” of God’s grace causes it to “blossom abundantly.”

If you are experiencing desert like conditions in your life, see the Truth brought forth in Isaiah 35:1-2 and highlighted by California’s poppy super bloom as the superior reality for your own life.

Continue to activate your faith in God’s abundant grace by taking the following steps. Make a firm decision that this drought like condition in your life is coming to an end. Write out Isaiah 35:1-2 on a 3 x 5 card on one side and on the other side write out the below personalized version of it.  Put it in a prominent place where you will see it often or carry it with you, so that you can declare it frequently over your lack – your need. God’s Word out of your mouth will be like the steady rains that soak the desert floor, causing the seed of His Word to blossom abundantly.

Allow the washing of the water of God’s Word to thoroughly soak your mind and heart – your inner thoughts and emotions that have become hardened with unbelief through the adversities of life and through this long drought-like waiting period. Attach your heart and mouth to the hope and faith contained within this Bible verse, declaring God’s Truth over the facts. As you do this, watch your faith blossom like a rose and the “reign” of His grace penetrate the desert-like condition you have been facing.

Isaiah 35:1-2 Personalized Declaration:
“This desert (name the desert) that I am experiencing shall blossom abundantly – shall experience God’s miraculous intervention and abundant provision.  Therefore, because I believe the superior reality of God’s super bloom for (name the area of your life) I have made my choice to rejoice and sing.  Thank You Jesus, My Master Gardener, for transforming what I thought was impossible into something beautiful!”

I am coming into agreement with you right now, for God’s super bloom, the abundance of His great grace, to transform your desert into a a place of supernatural abundance.

May God’s Healing Grace Abound in Your Life!

Sue Burdullis


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