Miracle Testimony – From Liver Transplant List to God Miraculously Healing My Liver

Lynn shares:

In 2014 I was diagnosed with a neurological disorder known as dystonia. It is a movement disorder causing muscles to spasm and contract. It is at times painful. It is at times debilitating. It is at times embarrassing. It is always unpredictable. It changed my life. I was desperate for healing. 

In 2019 I found Camarillo Healing Rooms (CHR). It was a time during Covid so meeting for prayer was done by Zoom. That is when I met Sue, the director of CHR and her team of wonderful people who were willing and devoted to praying for my healing. I found the people of the Healing Rooms to be kind, compassionate and most of all full of faith and hope that only Jesus brings.

And, in 2019 I became very sick and was hospitalized for a problem with my liver. I was taken to a hospital in LA and because it was during the first few months of Covid, I was not allowed visitors. Not even my husband! It was a lonely time (although I knew I was never alone, because Jesus had never left me), but one of the CHR members was faithful to call and pray with me.

During that stay in the hospital I was diagnosed with liver failure and I was being prepped for a liver transplant. I was told it was necessary and without it, my liver would give out within 5 years. I was given test after test to be sure I was a good candidate for the procedure. I was placed on a waiting list to receive the next liver available. After 22 days in the hospital I was sent home to wait.

That was 5 years ago!

At home I began a new diet and a new way of life – living and praying for healing – agreeing with what God’s Word says about healing, something I had not really done before. After a few months, I attended “An Evening of Worship and Healing” with CHR. That is when I met Sue and the CHR prayer teams in person. When I heard that night that the prayer rooms were back to being held in person, I signed up!

And, I kept signing up and coming to CHR for prayer as often as possible. Sue and the CHR team faithfully lifted me up and really showed  me:  

  • The Hope of healing in Jesus.
  • The Truth of healing in Jesus.
  • The Promise of healing in Jesus.

After months of receiving prayer with CHR, the liver doctor was impressed with my “recovery.” She cut back on the medication she had prescribed and even said, “we may have misdiagnosed you.” I knew what really happened. It was Jesus! 

Despite this good news, at times the original words from the doctor concerning only 5 years to live would come to haunt me. During those times, I was especially glad to have the CHR prayer teams available to strengthen my faith and to help me keep my focus on the Truth of what God’s Word said concerning healing.

I could go on and on telling of my wonderful journey of hope and healing! The end result is this – after receiving a recent test, as a routine check on my liver, the results came back as “unchanged.” My liver that was diagnosed to give out in 5 years was “unchanged”! No signs of giving out as medically predicted occurred! Jesus miraculously healed my liver! Jesus heals today! 8-17-24

A note from Sue:

As I went to type out Lynn’s testimony, the time on my iPhone was 1:11. For years this has reminded me of Hebrews 11:11. In TPT it reads like this: 

“Sarah’s faith embraced God’s miracle power to conceive even though she was barren and was past the age of childbearing, for the authority of her faith rested in the One who made the promise, and she tapped into his faithfulness.”

By faith may you embrace God’s miracle power to conceive and give birth to His Word, His seed, that declares “By His stripes you were healed.” 1 Peter 2:24


Written Testimonies

The word “testimony” actually comes from a Hebrew root word, which means to “repeat” or “do again.”  Revelation 19:10 says, “The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.” These shared testimonies of what Jesus has done prophesy your breakthrough, the healing or miracle you need. What God did for these people, God is willing to do for you!



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Give thanks to the LORD and proclaim his greatness. Let the whole world know what he has done. Psalm 105:1