How to Hear God's Voice

A man prays over a bible, backlit by the rising sun

Hearing God for Guidance, Prophecy and Ministry Prayer

December 17, 2019

Practical pillars are given for hearing God’s voice guide you in major decision making, as well as in ministering prophetic words or praying for others. Throughout this session, you will…

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A man prays over a bible, backlit by the rising sun

Hearing God with Your Spiritual Eyes

December 11, 2019

Because a “picture can speak a thousand words”, God often gives revelation to His people through dreams, visions, and seeing into the spiritual realm.  In session #5 of this series…

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A man prays over a bible, backlit by the rising sun

Recognizing God’s Voice

December 4, 2019

God interjects His thoughts into our hearts.  As they bubble up spontaneously from our heart and into our mind, we can learn to distinguish His voice from our own voice…

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A man prays over a bible, backlit by the rising sun

Intimacy with You, The Desire of God’s Heart

November 20, 2019

Is the love that Father God has for you a reality in your life or just a concept?  Discover in this session how two-way journaling will enable you to draw…

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A man prays over a bible, backlit by the rising sun

Testing What You Hear & Quieting Your Mind

November 13, 2019

God declares “My sheep hear My voice…” John 10:27  Do you believe this proclamation?  Understanding how the Lord speaks will enable you to recognize God’s voice from your own voice…

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A man prays over a bible, backlit by the rising sun

Four Keys to Hearing God’s Voice

November 5, 2019

Are you hungry for more of God? Do you want to be able to hear His words of life every day?  You will be surprised how easy it is!  Pastors…

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