Do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? You were bought at a price… 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 

If you don’t see the “No Trespassing” beach closure signs on either side of the Carpinteria Seal Sanctuary, the “Seal Watch” volunteers present will make sure you do. With a “STOP” sign in their hand, they will warn you not to go any further. If you ask “why” they will point to the larger “Beach Closed” sign, revealing the hefty penalties for trespassing during the “Harbor Seal Birthing Season.”  Why is trespassing taken so seriously? Because the life of the seals are at stake. Without these warning signs, the mother seals would not be able to successfully nurse and raise their pups.

Several weeks ago, before making the usual trek up and down the hill in order to circumvent this protected beach area, a volunteer with her “STOP” sign caught my attention. When I saw her, I immediately understood what it must look like in the spirit realm every time we stand in our God-given authority, declaring Jesus’ name and Word in the face of any potential trespasser. We are figurtively holding up an invisible but real spiritual “STOP” sign.

Just as this volunteer made a line in the sand from seaweed, putting her stop sign on top of it, God has put His “blood-line” around your life. If the devil and his demonic cohorts try to cross the “blood-line” trying to attack your life – your spirit, soul, or body; your finances, career or ministry; your children or family – you have authority to “STOP” the enemy in his tracks. Why? Because you have been purchased by God through Jesus’ precious blood. You belong to God! You are His property! And, you have been given authority over all the powers of the enemy to enforce the rule of God’s kingdom. (See 1 Corinthians 6:19-20; Luke 10:19)

Because your life and the life of others are at stake, enforce the “No Trespassing” zone:

Declare: I am God’s property. I have been purchased by God with Jesus’ precious blood. My body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. I will glorify God in my body and in my spirit. When the enemy tries to trespass into my life and the territory God has given to me to watch over, I will hold up the “STOP” sign, declaring He cannot cross over the “blood-line” of Jesus Christ. In the face of the trespasser, I will declare God’s Name and Word, enforcing the “No-Trespassing” zone.


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