My soul, wait silently for God alone, for my expectation is from Him. He only is my rock and my salvation… my defense.  Psalm 62:5-6

What do you expect in 2020?  Does your expectation come from the world or from God? The forecast of the world for 2020 would read something like the comic strip by Luann at the end of December. “It’s a new year once again, but what’s so new about it?  Will everything be better?  I seriously doubt it.  People will still suffer from hunger, hate, and war plus a hundred other problems… we’ll have the same old arguments ‘cuz no one gets along… the number is the only thing that that’s new.”

How do you gain freedom from such a dismal outlook like this cartoon characterizes – from the expectations of this world?  Psalm 62:5 holds the key to your freedom.  You need to speak to your soul, just as King David did, telling it to wait silently for God alone, because your expectation is from Him, the One Who is your rock, your salvation, and your defense. (Ps. 62: 5-6)  As you do this, your soul will not only find rest; but, it will no longer be bound by the limited perspectives of this world. The great expectations of God will fill your heart, causing you to soar far above what the world believes is possible.

The great expectations of God will fill your heart, causing you to soar far above what the world believes is possible. 

In 2020 put on what I call “the rose colored glasses” paid for by the blood of Jesus Christ.  The red lenses of these glasses will allow you to have 20/20 vision of God’s unconditional love for you.  The more you wear these glasses, the more your soul will be able to find rest in Christ, in the finished work of the cross.  Your confidence in God’s love will enable you to “Believe the unbelievable. Receive the inconceivable. And see beyond your wildest imagination.” (See “Great Expectations” below.)

Embrace God’s expectations for your life and the world around you this year by taking the word, the bible verse, and the song Ken and I have chosen for 2020.

When you wake up in the morning declare Psalm 62:5 out loud. Exhort yourself and those around you to have your expectation come from God alone and not the world. Put the song “Great Expectations” on your playlist and sing it until it gets embedded in your heart.


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