Don’t Forget God’s Promise

On the same day, when evening had come, He said to them, “Let us cross over to the other side.”  Mark 4:35

As I was driving home from church today, i saw a faint rainbow in the sky. Unlike the above photo which I took four years ago, where I could clearly see not just one rainbow but two, the rainbow this morning was less visible – less noticeable. 

When I see rainbows, I think of God’s promises. Although all of God’s promises in Christ are “yes and amen,” some days we can see them more clearly than others. (See 2 Cor. 1:20) Some days the clouds, like the ones I saw filling the sky this morning, seem to block the beauty of God’s rainbow – the beauty of His promises. 

Jesus’ words to His disciples before they began their journey,  “Let us cross over to the other side,” became like a faint rainbow to His disciples, as the ferocious storm began flooding their boat with water and their hearts with fear no matter how hard they tried to stay afloat.

They seemed to forget what they just saw earlier that day – the brilliant rainbows of God’s Promised One having dominion over the ferocious storms controlling people’s lives – the multitude miraculously being healed and delivered by Jesus.

A deep cry arises from the depth of their hearts as they shake Jesus awake and ask “Do you not care that we are perishing?”  (Mark 4:38) Yes! Jesus cares!  Jesus cares not only about the multitude, but He cares for you! What He did for the multitude earlier that day as they came to Him and what He did for the disciples that night as they cried out to Him, He will do for you!

Remember, that no matter what horrendous storm you are facing, Jesus is in your boat! As you make your cry be made known to Him, hear Jesus speak to the storm you are facing and to the storm within your own heart “Peace, be still!”  Let God’s Word – His promise – calm your anxious thoughts and emotions. And let His word “be fixed upon your lips, so that your trust may be in the Lord.” Proverbs 22:11

Schedule a Prayer Session:

If you or one of your loved ones are facing a storm and the clouds of fear, despair, hopelessness, (you name it) have clouded your vision of God’s promises – of Jesus Christ’s presence, power, and love, I invite you to schedule a prayer session with our team. 


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