Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us. Romans 5:5

For the last several days the weather app forecasted smoke in our area. One of the local newspaper’s headlines stated, “Holser Fire will smoke on for days outside Piru…” Despite living about 30 miles from the source of the fire, the beauty of the skies and nearby hills seemed to disappear behind the blanket of smoke.

How about your life? Has the lingering smoke of disappointment arising from the fiery trials of life clouded your vision of the beauty of God – the beauty of His hope? How long has the smoky disappointment lingered, stealing your joy and peace? Days, months, years, or a lifetime?

No matter how hopeless your situation or life now appears, you don’t have to live under the dominion of hopelessness any longer. Why? Because God has delivered you through the blood of HIs Son Jesus Christ from the spirit of hopelessness. He has placed you into His Kingdom of love and poured out His love into your heart and mind, so that you can abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. (Rom. 15:13) The wind of God’s Spirit, His Hope, has the power to blow away each and every smoky disappointment that has lingered over your life.

The wind of God’s Spirit, His Hope, has the power to blow away each and every smoky disappointment that has lingered over your life.

Therefore, remember to take the helmet of the hope of salvation as you enter into your Promised land, countering every hopeless word from the giants with “I am well able to overcome by the blood of the Lamb for my hope is in Jesus, the Word of God, Who is my testimony of hope.” (1 Thes. 5:18, Numbers 14:30; Rev. 12:11; Ps. 119: 81, 114) 

Prayer: Father, Thank-You for giving me a living hope through Jesus Christ – a hope that does not disappoint – a hope that is beyond all natural hope. Thank-You for giving me the helmet of the hope of salvation to cover my thoughts. I break agreement with hopeless thoughts that contradict Your Word. And, I come into agreement with You, the God of Hope and Your Word of Hope. (1 Peter 1:3; Rom. 4:4)


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